Help for Currency Converter

How to select currencies for your store?
  1. You can add all available currencies to your store with the “Select all” button.
  2. You can remove all currencies for conversion from your store with “Disable all” button.
  3. Do the following if you want to specify concrete currencies for your store:
    • All available currencies are grouped by name and sorted alphabetically. If you select a group you will see all currencies with name that starts with a letter of selected group.
    • You can specify one or more currencies in one or more sections that you want to add to your store. All of them will be added
  4. To save all changes click on “Save changes”
Setting view
  1. Widget active. This option allows you to disable the app. In this case, "currency select" block and converted prices will disappear for your buyers, but the Dashboard will be available for you and you can resume the App again. If the app is not working properly, you can turn it off quickly and contact us by online chat or support service to solve a problem. Don’t remove the app from your store because you will lose your paid period of App using and Ecwid will charge additional payment if you install App again.
  2. “Hide currency select” option. With this option “Select your currency” block is hidden on your store but all prices are converted to a currency of visitor’s country (by IP address of visitor). If country are not available in the App the first available currency will be used.
  3. “Hide label "Select your currency:" option allows you to hide the label “Select your currency”.
    Selector full.en
    Not active
    Selector without label.en

  4. “Show only short currency names” option allows you to show only short currency name (3 symbols) of currencies in the selector.
    Selector full.en
    Not active
    Selector short.en

  5. “Replace default currency” option allows you to replace default currency with converted currency (Warning, payments will be processed with default currency).
    Not active

  6. Remove overlaps. If currency converter selector overlaps other elements of your the site, use this setting.
    Position relative bad
    Not active
    Position relative good

  7. To save all changes click on “Save changes”
If you have a questions or difficulties contact us with online chat or by support service support service and we will help you!